Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Montaigne Essays

  • linked old to the new world
  • father died when he was thirty five years old
  • only one daughter survived
  • use essays to release his demons
  • essays divided into two books with the third being added
  • supported his ideas with evidence and facts
  • he questioned other's opinions to learn more about himself
  • he believed men and women were cast in same mold
  • wrote in french for people to be able to read later
  • didn't use religion to discuss death to leave it as an open discussion
  • theology and philosophy sometimes overlap
  • translated Natural Theology for his father
  • wrote important ideas in italics
  • believes God is a hidden god
  • thinks pride is the sin of sins
  • opinion is not knowledge
  • to explain why, you must provide evidence to validate your point
  • renaissance allowed him to expand his knowledge with foreign scripture
  • Montaigne influenced by Protgoras
  • wanted to know
    • thyself
      • understand man and you'll understand the universe
      • man is always changing,shifting, and becoming
  • all men desire knowledge
  • wisdom comes from experience not schooling
  • writing brought him to terms with his hard ships and faults
Book One-That our deeds are judged by the intention

  • wrote this to come to peace with his life and death
  • death settles all obligations or issues of life
  • we can't be held to promises beyond our power or means
  • says some iniquitous judges postpone their judgement until the can't anymore
Book One- On idleness

  • uses this to deal with his depression, delusions and illness
  • souls without goals can get lost and lose themselves
  • trying to branch out since he is so focused on himself
Book Two- That we should not be deemed happy til' after our death

  • almost becomes obsessed with death 
  • death is the act of dying, not the state of the soul in afterlife
  • more philosophical then religious
  • describes happiness as notions of blessedness and of good fortune
  • never can be happy until death
  • good fortune is key to happiness
  • death shows the reality of life and who the person truly was
  • the last day of life, one looks back on the life they lived
Book One- On the power of imagination

  • imagination evokes mental images of thoughts, concepts, ideas, opinions as well as mental pictures
  • religion sometimes dashed with imagination
  • imagination brings new ideas and events
  • it can take over the mind
  • may be in your mind, but is real
  • some people escape to their imagination, which makes them lose sight of reality
  • miracles, random events, visions, etc. give fuel to the craving of imagination
  • imagination can be used as bait to make someone think it is possible or the perfect thing to do
  • men imagine women which ruins expectations
  • mind and body are one, which imagination powerful
  • magicians take advantage of imaginations in order to make audiences believe

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